Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week #15

Christmas will come before you know it. I'm excited to talk to all of you! Hopefully I'll be in Brazil by then and hopefully I can skype. President doesn't allow skyping here in this mission. I don't know why. So if I'm still here it'll just be a phone call but that's better than nothing! September is flying by and pretty soon it'll be December and I'll have been out for 6 months! That's so crazy!
Well this week was extremely long. We had a lot of people drop us. But when one door closes another one opens and we found 3 new potential investigators this week. People who seem really solid. Monday for p-day we went to Young's Dairy Farm with Jackie, Whitney, and Sister Miller and their families. It was so fun! And they had goats there that I fed. It was awesome. Smelled just like home. Sister Miller's daughter is crazy haha she's almost 18 months and we had ice cream and she was hugging the cone and wouldn't let Sister Miller have any of it. It was hilarious! I'm sure she put pictures on facebook. 
We had a dinner with a less active that night and she told us some amazing spiritual experiences she's had. She can't come to church because she works every Sunday but we challenged her to read the Book of Mormon everyday and pray for Heavenly Father to give her an opportunity to go to church. She has home and visiting teachers and I can tell she really has a desire to come back. She just works a lot. She is the nicest lady! Afterwards I got the prompting to go see Amber, a potential investigator and she was home! And we were able to set up a chapel tour with her! She then cancelled right before the tour on Thursday but still we haven't been able to get hold of her and I'm glad I listened to the spirit! 
Tuesday was a weird day. We were out tracting and every street we chose we knocked on one door and then looked at the rest of the street and had a super strong feeling it would be unproductive. Later that night we were tracting around a member's home and then we found our new investigator Nikki! So we had two streets of members in mind and we were going to pick the other member but a lady in the ward texted us and told us to tell Brother Richardson that she was in the hospital. So we picked the Richardson's house to tract around instead of the other member and then we found Nikki! And then we felt like we didn't need to knock on anyone else's door because we found who were supposed to find. The Lord works in mysterious ways. So we had a chapel tour with Nikki and she came to church!  
Thursday night we had a lesson with Jessica and we found that she doesn't really have any faith in Christ. We are backing way up and basically starting over with her. We have to take it really slow with her and we told her that she needs to read the BoM. We read her Alma 37:9 and said she has to do her part to gain that faith. We really can't teach her anything else until she gets a desire to know. Friday not one of our lessons fell through! We saw Reggie who just finished up finals for nursing. It went so well and he really wants to grow up and start changing his life. Then we had dinner with Sister Floyd's friend Mariola. It was so good! Her husband says he has a lot of questions so we're going to go back and answer them and teach them more! Mariola and Joel go to all of the church activities and she goes to Super Saturday and she taught a Relief Society enrichment night even! They're catholic and pretty active in their church but I want to teach them so bad! They are wonderful people. We were saying goodbye to them and I reached out to shake Joel's hand and he says "we hug people after we meet them" so he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek! I didn't know what to do since we're not supposed to hug males. But that's how their culture is so I just went with it. 
Oh Saturday was a day of new experiences! I got my first door slammed in my face. He was atheist. And then we almost got hit by a car! We were at a stop sign and this lady wasn't paying attention and turned left but turned too sharp and almost hit us head on. Ohio drivers are worse than Utah drivers. Sunday afternoon we decided to tract the Floyd's neighborhood. We got two return appointments! The first guy was WAY nice and he was like "the Floyd's are really good examples and I want to learn more about their church, do you have any literature?" WHAT?! We told him Sister Floyd would bring him a BoM and we're teaching him next week. I never knew the impact we have on our neighbors or people we know. Everyone notices us and as long as we are the best examples of the savior that we can be, we'll help bring others closer to Christ and the gospel. Don't be afraid to share it with people! 
Well I love you a lot! I always look forward to your emails.
Sister Clark

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